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What are the advantages of covered rubber elastic yarn compared to ordinary elastic yarn?

What’s unique about rubber-covered elastic yarn is its carefully designed structure, in which rubber filaments are cleverly wrapped around the outside of other fibers, imbuing the yarn with unique elastic and abrasion-resistant properties.
The introduction of rubber injects excellent elasticity and resilience into the rubber-covered elastic yarn. This allows fabrics made from this yarn to easily adapt to various movements and shape changes of the body, providing a more fitted and comfortable wearing experience. Not only that, this elastic property also makes the yarn suitable for fabrics with strong stretch, such as sportswear, swimwear, etc., providing a wider range of options for these fields.
Covered rubber elastic yarns excel in abrasion resistance. The abrasion resistance of rubber gives the yarn a longer service life, making the resulting textiles more durable, especially suitable for applications that require frequent stretching and movement, such as sportswear, socks, etc.
Fabrics made from this yarn also offer significant advantages in terms of comfort. The softness of rubber brings a better feel to the fabric, making the wearer feel soft and comfortable when in contact with the textile. This is particularly important in close-fitting applications such as underwear and socks.
Design flexibility is another big advantage of covering rubber elastic yarns. Because rubber elastic yarn can be combined with a variety of fibers, including cotton, polyester, nylon, etc., designers can use this yarn more flexibly to create diverse, fashionable and practical textiles.