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What is the strength and abrasion resistance of polyester covered yarn?

As a synthetic fiber, polyester covered yarn is ideal for manufacturing tough, wear-resistant textiles due to its unique physical and chemical properties.
Polyester itself is a very strong fiber, and in the process of coating other fibers, it can further enhance the tensile resistance of the overall yarn. This means that during use, the yarn is able to withstand tensile forces without losing its shape and structure. This is particularly critical for textiles that are subject to frequent stretching and tightening, such as sports equipment and elastic textiles.
Abrasion resistance is another major feature of polyester covered yarn. Because polyester itself has excellent abrasion resistance, wrapping it around other fibers during the manufacturing process makes it a protective layer that makes the yarn more durable. This allows the fabricated textiles to not only maintain good appearance, but also maintain stable performance over long periods of use. Especially for areas that need to resist wear and tear, such as industrial uses and outdoor equipment, the wear resistance of polyester covered yarn has become one of the reasons for its popularity.
The durability of polyester is not only reflected in the physical level, but also in the face of chemical attack. This provides the textile with additional protection, ensuring it remains stable in a variety of environments and protected from external factors. This allows polyester-coated yarn textiles to still perform well under harsher conditions and meet diverse needs.